
What is Bracing?

Bracing involves the use of external supportive devices designed to immobilize, protect, or provide stability to injured or vulnerable body parts. Braces are typically made of various materials such as fabric, plastic, metal, or a combination of these. They come in different shapes and sizes to accommodate different body parts and specific conditions.

Benefits of Bracing

  • Stability and Support: Braces help provide stability to joints and structures that may be weakened, injured, or prone to excessive movement. They can help prevent further injury, protect healing tissues, and promote proper alignment during movement.

  • Pain Reduction: Braces can help reduce pain by offloading pressure from injured or overloaded structures, redistributing forces, and stabilizing the affected area. This can alleviate discomfort and improve function.

  • Injury Prevention: Braces are often used as preventive measures in sports or activities that pose a higher risk of injury. They can provide additional support and protection to vulnerable areas, helping reduce the risk of sprains, strains, or other injuries.

  • Post-surgical Rehabilitation: Bracing is commonly used after surgical procedures to immobilize or limit movement in the early stages of healing. This protects the surgical site, allows tissues to heal, and supports the recovery process.

  • Functional Assistance: Certain types of braces, such as orthotic braces, are designed to assist with functional limitations caused by conditions like joint instability, muscle weakness, or neurological impairments. They can enhance mobility, correct alignment, and promote more efficient movement patterns.

Custom Bracing

Custom bracing involves the design and fabrication of a brace that is customized to fit the individual's body shape, size, and specific condition. Unlike off-the-shelf braces, which come in standard sizes and designs, custom braces are created based on detailed measurements, molds, or digital scans of the affected body part.

*Wasaga Beach Location Exclusive

Benefits of Custom Bracing

  • Personalized Fit: Custom braces are designed to provide an optimal fit, ensuring maximum comfort, support, and effectiveness. They take into account the individual's body shape, specific measurements, and unique anatomical considerations.

  • Enhanced Support and Stability: Custom braces offer a higher level of support and stability compared to off-the-shelf braces. They are precisely engineered to provide the necessary support to the affected area, helping to control movement and reduce the risk of further injury.

  • Targeted Treatment: Custom braces can be specifically designed to address the individual's specific condition or injury. They can provide targeted support to specific ligaments, joints, or muscles, promoting optimal healing and recovery.

  • Improved Compliance: Custom braces are often more comfortable to wear compared to standard braces, which can improve compliance and ensure that the individual wears the brace as prescribed. This can lead to better treatment outcomes and a more successful rehabilitation process.

  • Long-Term Solutions: Custom braces are commonly used for long-term or chronic conditions where ongoing support and management are required. They are built to withstand regular use and can be adjusted or modified over time to accommodate changes in the individual's condition or needs.

Obtaining a Custom Brace

  1. Assessment: The process begins with a thorough assessment by our physiotherapist, Don Sorensen. He will evaluate your condition, examine the affected area, and determine if a custom brace is appropriate for your needs.

  2. Measurements: To create a custom brace, precise measurements of affected body part are taken. This may involve taking physical measurements, using specialized tools to capture digital images.

  3. Design and Fabrication: Based on the assessment and measurements, Don will send off his findings to the brace manufacturers who will create a custom brace that meets your specific requirements. The brace is fabricated using high-quality materials and advanced manufacturing techniques.

  4. Fitting and Adjustment: Once the custom brace is ready, you will have a fitting appointment with Don. He will ensure that the brace fits properly, provides the desired support and stability, and is comfortable to wear. Adjustments may be made to fine-tune the fit and ensure optimal functionality.

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